Mass of St. Philip Neri CD and Score
Mass of St. Philip Neri CD and Score
The Mass of St. Philip Neri with Propers for the Sacrament of Confirmation CD
Paul Jernberg, composer
J. Michael Thompson, director
The Schola Cantorum of St. Peter the Apostle
Priest: The Rev. George Drance Jr., SJ
Deacon: The Rev. Timothy Woods
Complete Musical Score for Congregation and Choir
Second Edition, now including a Choral Version of the Nicene Creed
Paul Jernberg, composer
38 pages
Introit with Verses : The Love of God
Greeting/Penitential Rite
Lord, Have Mercy
Glory to God/Collect*
Old Testament Reading: Isaiah 11:1-4
Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 104 Send Forth your Spirit, Lord Theodore Marier (1912-2001)
New Testament Reading: Romans 8:25-27
Gospel Reading: John 14:15-17
Veni Creator Spiritus Rabanus Maurus (c. 780-856)
If Ye Love Me Thomas Tallis (1505-1585)
Universal Prayer
Offertory Chant: Strengthen, O God
Invitation to Prayer (Pray, brethren)
Prayer over the Offerings*
Holy, Holy, Holy
Eucharistic Prayer*
Memorial Acclamation
Conclusion of Eucharistic Prayer*
The Lord's Prayer
Sign of Peace*
Lamb of God
Invitation to Communion*
Communion Chant: Rejoice in the Lord
Motet: Exsultate Justi Lodovico da Viadana (1564-1645)
Prayer After Communion*
Solemn Blessing*/Dismissal
Salve Regina
*These priest chant melodies are from the Roman Missal, 3rd Edition
Introductory Rites
Penitential Act
I. I Confess to Almighty God
II. Have mercy on us, O Lord
Lord, have mercy/Kyrie eleison
Lord, have mercy II
Sprinkling Rite (Outside of Easter Season)
Sprinkling Rite (Easter Season)
Glory to God
The Liturgy of the Word
Gospel Acclamation
Solemn Alleluia
Gospel Introduction and Conclusion
The Nicene Creed
The Nicene Creed II Choral Version
Prayers of the Faithful: Responses
Reciting Tone and Amen for Prayers of the Faithful
The Liturgy of the Eucharist
Preparation of the Altar
Invitation to Prayer (Pray, brethren)
Preface Dialogue
Holy, Holy, Holy
Mystery of Faith
Doxology with Simple Amen
Doxology with Solemn Amen
The Lord's Prayer
Sign of Peace
Lamb of God
Invitation to Communion
The Concluding Rites
Final Blessing and Dismissal
Solemn Blessing
Priest's Tone for Solemn Blessing